Are You Loyal?

Are you loyal to your job?  To the company you work for?  To Corporate America?  Do you think they’re loyal to you?  Have you ever thought about that before?

I hadn’t.  And, if I’m being honest, I was very naïve.  I had worked for the same company for 8 years.  They were family to me.  And I truly believed they were loyal to me, as I was to them.  Unfortunately, I learned the very hard way that was not the case. I haven’t talked about this much, so most people don’t know my story.

Six weeks after the boys were born, I was let go from my job….my career….all I knew.  I was told, “my position was filled.”  I was shattered, shocked, hurt….full of all the emotions.  And I was terrified.  I was a new mama, already worried about all the medical bills coming in, and how we were going to survive as a new family of 4.  And then to be without a job, without that needed income coming in, I felt destroyed.

But ya know….God always knows what He is doing.  The things that we don’t understand at the time, end up being some of our biggest blessings.

I wouldn’t be where I am today, if that hadn’t havehappened.  That situation forced me out of my comfort zone, out of my complacent life.  That situation opened my eyes.  I learned that no one cares about my family I like I do.  No one is loyal like I am.  And if I want to ensure we’re taken care of, that falls on me.

So, when you see people opening their own business, or starting a direct sales job, know that maybe, just maybe it’s because they have learned that lesson.  Maybe they want a back-up plan. Maybe they know that the best way to support their family, is by taking control of their own destiny.

And my recommendation to you…if you don’t have a back-up plan, you should get one.

Don’t know where to start?  I’d love to help you!


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